Friday, September 25, 2009

Lots of pictures over the last week!

We've had a busy past 8 days! First we had a wonderful visit with Samuel's Pup Pup over the weekend. Samuel loved playing hide-n-seek with him, going to the golf course and chatting on his cell phone (a special grandpa treat)! Samuel is still asking about Pup Pup's whereabouts especially when we see an airplane. Thanks for the great visit, Pups!! Below are some pictures from this visit and several others other the last week....
Samuel LOVED the tractor Pup Pup bought him and wanted to take it everywhere!
This boy could not be happier chatting on a real cell phone. I believe this was a call in from Mum Mum that lasted at least 20 minutes of non stop talking on Samuel's part. He thought he was so cool:)! His new favorite phrase to say is, "whatcha doing" and he likes to say, "go for it" too. The boys love a good competition and Wii was the perfect opportunity for one. The picture captures their tennis match. Pup Pup gave Brian a run for his money in bowling!
Our next set of visitors came in the form of the Seckman clan! They were stopping through for an appt in our area so they stayed the night. This picture shows Samuel in pure delight as he plays "balls" with Dolly. He doesn't forget the crazy face/noise Dolly made ONE time when he pressed the lever to this toy and now he wants her to do it all the time....thanks for being a sport, Dolly!

I had so much fun keeping adorable Michael while Dolly & Leland headed to their appt. The boys played well together. What sweet boys!

I had to give Michael a time out....hahahaha. Of course I'm kidding, but doesn't it look like that? Michael crawled right into this little cubby space and it was too cute not to take a pic.

When you come to Vallecorse house, you are bound to find a golf club hanging around! The Seckman's can teach Samuel the farming ropes and we'll teach Michael the golf ropes!
The next fun trip we had was to a local park that has cool rides for tots. Here Samuel is looking up at the carousel in awe....

Mimi joined us for the day and Samuel wanted her to be his partner on the rides....

Here he is on the train...loved it.

I must say NOTHING compared to the boat ride in his mind - he absolutely loved it. He would pull the bell and steer the wheel like he was a pro. We definitely had to ride more than once.

Mimi brought a pumpkin & paint home for Samuel to decorate. As you can see, he concentrated very hard during his project.

As you can tell, he adored his masterpiece....

Giving it a little more love...

And last, but not least, we had a day at the pumpkin patch with Pappy. Samuel thought the big wheels were great.

I told him to pick any pumpkin, so of course he went for one that weighed more than he did:).

Walking to the tractors...

As I was doing laundry, Samuel climbed in the dryer...he did NOT want to get out!

Here is a sneak peek at Samuel's monkey costume (partial).

Thanks for hanging with me on this LONG post!! Lots to see and tell from the last week....


popv said...

Great pictures Amy, but could you not have posted a picture of PupPup which was a little bit more complementary? I do love the pictures of Samuel talking on the cell phone, he looks so grown-up. Tell Samuel PupPup and MumMum will be flying in to see him on Thursday and he can talk on my cell phone until the battery runs out or he does, which ever comes first.

Amy said...

We can't wait, Pups! I think the battery will run out before he does:). Had a great visit w/ you last week and look forward to seeing you and Mum Mum next weekend!

Amy said...

Oh, and those pics were "in the moment" action shots. The best kind! You looked great!

Dolly said...

Wow! You guys have been busy! It was fun seeing what all you've been up to and we appreciate so much you allowing us to crash. It was so nice of you to keep MIchael for us too while we were gone for a few hours. I love the pics of the boys playing together and I REALLY loved that pic of Samuel hugging his pumpkin. So CUTE!!! All the pics of him were precious!

The Jones' said...

What a treat...Samuel has such a sweet personality, LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing such fun pictures of him playing!! The one in the dryer cracks me up and the monkey ones are HILARIOUS!!!

Amy said...

Dolly - it was so great to see you guys. Holy cow we've had a hard time getting one another on the phone this week, huh!?
Merritt - thanks! I loved your beach pictures too! Although when I commented on fb it showed up as Stephanie's pics?

Teecy said...

Really adorable pics, Amy! Looks like you guys are enjoying life!
Can't wait for our weekend together!

Amy said...

Me too, Teec! I miss you!

Ashleigh said...

Samuel is TOO cute Amy! Looks like y'all have a great time with lots of family/friends. The pic of him in his diaper with monkey hat & feet is priceless.....definitely one that will need to be in the rehearsal dinner video. :)

Amy said...

Thanks, Ashleigh! I hadn't thought of that, but you're right!

the mathisons said...

Dear Amy, is this the end of your blog or are you on a hiatus? I miss your stories and sweet photos.
What are you up to these days my East Coast friend?

Love you! ~ Kelli