Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Wet Walk and Baby Signs

Brian took advantage of the photo op...I'm sure the neighbors got a good laugh watching me walk in the tsunami.
"What's the big deal? I'm dry!"

Today was a busy one! First we had baby sign class (the pictures are out of order). I know--he IS a little young for it, but they said it was for 5 month olds on. My friend, Jenna, and I decided to give it try and it was a lot of fun. When they brought out "Beebo" the signing bear, Samuel squealed out in delight. It was really sweet. The class is really for the moms to learn the signs and teach the kiddos. Poor little guy was SO tired after the class because it was right during his usual morning nap.

Later in the day I decide to get Samuel out for a walk. It looked gorgeous out, so what's the harm? Well, about 1 MILE out I'm still seeing only sunny skies UNTIL I look behind me to see the black storm clouds following us. So, I turn around and took two steps then one drop, two and the heavens opened up and the rain came. Oh yes, I had my cell phone, but it had just died. When I arrived back home I was drenched, but thankfully Samuel was happy and dry:).


Dolly said...

I'm LOL at the wet picture of you. I can just picture you now and I'm laughing just thinking about it. Glad little Samuel didn't get a drop.

That's cool that you tried out that new class. Keep us posted on how it's going.

the mathisons said...

Amy, I love the look on your face! How crazy it that!
Hey, great job with the signing class... Reese still will use her signs sometimes even though she can talk. Leif also uses them and it is helpful in trying to figure out if he is finished eating or if he wants more.

Turnipseed said...

Precious boy! The rain thing has happened to us too! Caleb loved it, I did not! Caleb does signs too. Now, granted he gets them mixed up, so now he does his own sign for "please", but it so helpful--not to mention too cute. Have fun with that!

popv said...

You should have broken out with a song, may I suggest " Just Singing in the Rain " or " Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head."

The Jones' said...

Oh goodness girl...LOVE the pic of you finishing your walk in the rain!! It just comes through so quick doesn't it?!? Will be so fun to see our kiddos doing their signs, esp before they can talk. Cool that you and Jenna have that time together ;-)

Unknown said...

Amy, I LOVE your face in that pic. HILARIOUS. Did you really "walk" home or RUN?!?! Me don't like storm clouds. I woulda been fit to be tied!