Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Chris Farley Smile!

Happy Boy!

Which Way to Fenway?

Today Samuel is two months old! Time is flying by too fast. We are having fun with him and love seeing his spirited personality emerge. He still doesn't like his carseat which is difficult. We are hoping one day he will learn to love it--soon! He loves to be talked to and will coo at anyone willing to give him some attention. On a side note, my husband never really got into blogging, but I think he loves to read them now. He will ask me what is going on in the blog world and then the other day he yelled for me to come to the nursery for a blog photo op (the Fenway pic). He knew a good blog moment when he saw it. So, I've made a believer out of him:). Brian's a huge Red Sox fan, so he cannot wait to take Samuel to Fenway Park.


Dolly said...

I'm glad Brian's finally getting into blogging cause that means more pics to come. Samuel is such a photogenic little guy. I love the Chris Farley picture. Hilarious! He's seriously growing up fast. I hope he's not talking by the time we all get to see him again.

The Jones' said...

OH my goodness, he is freakin adorable!! Those pics really show his spirited personality!! Brian definitely needs to keep taking those "blog shots", I love them!

Unknown said...

yeah, AMY!!!!!!!!I love it when you come outta the closet. Samuel is a punkin. I've been thinking about you! Around month 3 it's smooth(er) sailing!!!!!!!

Amy said...

Yes, I've heard it's easier at 3 months and he is 9 weeks today---his shots are tomorrow:(. It's getting easier--hoping the car seat thing passes though b/c I'm feeling trapped in my home!

Unknown said...

AP went through that phase. You just gotta do it and grin and bear the crying. The only way it's gonna pass it to keep on pluggin! I know that sounds horrible but you'll be glad in the long run when he turns into a road warrior!

Jenifer said...

Those smiles say, "I'm trouble!" He is one handsome boy!!

Donna said...

Yea Amy! I love when you have a new post. I wait anxiously by my computer for a new one each week!!

HPS is right about the car seat thing. RoyBoy has just started to hate his car seat this past week and (although it is reallllllllly annoying) I have to just let his cry (scream) in the car. After a while, he stops:

I love the first picture!!

Suzanne said...

Amy- your little guy is beautiful. I can see you in him. HPS is right, 3 months it starts to get better and at 6 months life is great! I never had any trouble with Sarah in her car seat, but I did have to let her cry it out in her bed a few times. That is tough.

Amy said...

Thanks Suzanne! Yes, it is so hard to let them cry, but I know it has to be done sometimes. The real test will be on Sat--a 45 min drive just the two of us!

Maryanna said...

Mo, you have got a handsome little guy there! He's such a cutie, even when he's doing his Chris Farley impression :) I think he's a spitting image of his daddy, especially with that silly red socks hat on. Tell him not to worry, Auntie Mary will send him a Yankees hat soon so he doesn't have to be embarrassed anymore!