Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gymboree class and more

Wednesday is Gymboree Day. Samuel loves the class and REALLY loves "Gymbo" the clown. We have a mini one at home so he thinks the big one is really his. The class has lots of stimulating activities and Samuel loves playing with the kids. His favorite part is the bubbles and the parachute at the end. I couldn't get great pictures of that though. Here are a few shots of yesterday's class:

Here is Samuel trying to share a ball with his buddy Elijah. Everytime Gymbo comes by to give hugs, Samuel hugs him back and doesn't want to let go. I have to say that having a Gymbo in our home sort of gives me the creeps. One morning Brian set it right by my face so it was the first thing I saw upon waking up---not cool!
He even loves the painted Gymbo....

As you can probably tell, I recently learned how to upload videos, so I am going a little nuts with it--forgive me.

This video below is of Samuel w/ his new toy--he loves this thing, especially smacking it:). Sorry it's sideways.


the mathisons said...

I like the videos! Clowns kind of give me the creeps too. Samuel looks so big standing up.

Turnipseed said...

The videos are great! Keep posting them...Off the subject, but what layout do you use for your blog. I want to have mine like yours (with the pictures under the blog they match), but haven't been able to find the one I want.. Oh, and I agree about the clown---ick

Jen said...

Samuel is a cutie and he is progressing right along. Hopefully I will get to see you both soon.

Amy said...

I just went to and picked the blue layout (not very technical in my decision making, just wanted blue for boy--ha!). See if you can find this layout on that website.

Jen--I'll see you at the retreat?

Jen said...

CAroline is being dedictaed at church that weekend so unfortunately I will not be there. I am hoping to make it to Bible Study this week.

Dolly said...

Ah, love seeing updated pics of Samuel and I can tell someone really loves doing videos now. :) JK! I love seeing the videos too. I can just hear you and Brian singing that 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 song while walking around the house. Funny!

The Jones' said...

He is soooooooo fast at crawling!! So happy he loves the leap frog table, knew he would!! What a cutie!!!

Teecy said...

amy, these pics are so sweet! i love that boy! (and his mama!)
keep these sweet pictures and videos coming!!

Ashleigh said...

So cute! I love Samuel's little army crawl.....he is fast!

popv said...

On the 1st video it is clear that Samuel is further advanced then his Dad at the same age. Samuel is crawling and Brian was a scootcher and never crawled. On the 2nd video Samuel is pounding that instrument like Mum Mum V on the piano and singing like the Larson family, which have great musical genes. Great videos Amy. Being distant grandparents this internet is fantastic as we keep up with Samuel's development. We are thankful that we can share these moments as VERY proud grandparents. Thanks Amy.....