Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Women's Retreat

For the past 4 years I have been in a monthly Women's Bible Study with some neat girls who love the Lord. This year we decided to get away for a weekend retreat in Boone, NC. We stayed in a cozy log cabin nestled deep in the mountains. Our teacher, Debbie, broke out the study into 4 sessions beginning on Friday night and continuing through Sunday. We always learn so much from Debbie who truly uses her spiritual gift of teaching to enrich lives.
On Saturday we headed out to experience some local flare. Our first stop was a music festival complete with bluegrass, all sorts of crafts and naturally lots of BBQ, fried dough, cakes and pies. It was like another world where time goes a little slower and instead of traffic you hear the whistling of a harmonica and the strum of the banjo. After we sampled the country side of things we headed to what any girl would find on a trip--OUTLETS! We all find some bargains then made our last shopping stop in downtown Boone. The cute specialty shops were so fun to browse especially because it was a beautiful Fall day and the leaves were gorgeous. We had a fun time, but were all ready to get back to our munchkins! I have to give kudos to all 9 dads who took wonderful care of the kids. Brian and Samuel had a great time going out to eat, riding on the golf cart and taking walks.

Below are the girls doing what girls do best...gathering in the kitchen around food! Merritt is a diehard Penn State fan, so she had to watch some of the big game (and they won!).
Here are Merritt and I at the festival.

Bluegrass at it's finest! The little kids would even get on stage and dance.
Here we all are on Sunday right before we finished up the study and headed home. Great memories!


Dolly said...

I loved seeing pictures from your weekend. Looks like such a refreshing time away with the girls. I think it's important to get times like these but I bet you were SO EXCITED to see your little guy again on Sunday. Kudos to Brian for taking care of Samuel two weekend in two weeks. What a man!

Amy said...

"What a mighty good man..."..for real!
Wow...you are on top of the blogs. I posted that just minutes ago:). Someone is binding the time till Mikey shows up! Hard to believe TOMORROW is your due date!!

The Jones' said...

Loved being away with you for the weekend...especially since we hardly see each other in person!! Love your description of Saturday...strumming on the banjo (hahaha!)...but where is the description of your outfit change at the Jcrew outlet store ...now that is blog worthy!!! I haven't laughed that hard in LONG time! We need to get that pic from Liz.

the mathisons said...

What a refresher to get away for some girl time! I always enjoy my time away but the drive back home to Dale and the kids can never be fast enough! In that last photo you are wearing shorts... in the cold?!!

Dolly said...

Yah, I want to hear the JCrew story. I'm sure it was a good one.

Amy, I was looking at your pictures again and think you and Merritt look SO MUCH like sisters in that one picture. It's a great picture of you both but you could easily pass as sisters.

Donna said...

I think you both look like sisters, too!

I love BOone in the fall. It sounds like the perfect girls weekend. I'm glad you were able to get away!

Turnipseed said...

Ok, so I am really going to need to hear this J.Crew story, and I don't even know any of those people... but I bet it's a good one.