Friday, January 30, 2009

Road Trip to Dolly's

What a fun past few days Samuel and I had at the Seckman home! We arrived on Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Friday. We had a nice dinner with Leland's sweet grandparents on Thursday night and then came home to put the boys to bed. Well, my boy was wired from all the excitement as you can tell in the below video shot around 9:30 pm (he finally fell asleep at 10:15pm!). On Thursday Dolly and I went to some really cute boutiques and treated the kiddos to some clothes for the fall (all on sale!). Next we had lunch at Magnolia's which is always a treat. From there we headed back home and I made dinner for Leland and Dolly since I wasn't in town to bring one over when Michael was first born. Leland kept the boys for the tired moms to see a late movie (bride wars) and it was really cute.

On Friday we did some more bargain shopping before Samuel and I packed up and headed home. We had a great time and Samuel adores his Auntie Dolly. He started saying her name within the first few hours we arrived and he is still asking for her! Thanks for the good times, Dolly! You are always a wonderful hostess!

Here is my wired boy on video (he was eating oatmeal so excuse the dirty face; I grabbed my camera mid-feed):

I could not WAIT to get a hold of this little love bug - what a doll! He loves to cuddle and has plenty of takers.

Dolly and her sweet boy. She is obviously so in love and how could she not be! This baby loves his mama! Notice the hint of auburn in his hair - cute.
On Thursday, Leland was nice enough to babysit for us to go see a 9:50 pm showing of Bride Wars. The boys were in bed, so this was the extent of his duty for the night (monitor gazing). Still, we definitely appreciated it and had a fun night out. Thanks Leland! The funny thing is we were late to the movie so Dolly went in to get seats while I hit the restroom. I told her just to wave to me so I could find her in the theatre - hahahaha. We were literally the only two people in the movie.

This wood carving looks like an old wise man with a long flowing beard/mustache. For some reason, Samuel thought it favored Brian because he'd touch it and say "Daddy"...

Here are the two buddies. Samuel is in position to go in for a kiss. He loved baby Michael and said "baby" about a hundred times during our stay.Samuel sharing some love....
And last but not least, here we are getting a self portrait since we forgot to get any pictures of the two of us (notice Dolly's little admirer in the corner). It was such a fun get away making memories with each other and our boys. Many more to come I'm sure!


popv said...

Amy, it is great you were able to get together with Dolly and enjoy each other and share your boys. I think it is great that you both had boys and truly very good looking guys. Warning to Maryanna and her girls, " here come the hunks." Amy, with all these words Samuel is using I think he maybe an orator or a lawyer, good job Amy. In April when I come down I will surely smother Samuel with some PupPup love and kisses, he melts this old man's heart. Glad you're home saft.

Joyful said...

That sounds like a great time! Shopping and Magnolias is ALWAYS a good time. Your boys are so sweet!

Dolly said...

Wow! YOu've already got a post up and I'm just now reading it. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED having you here. Thanks for coming down with Samuel. It was a good time and let me tell you folks, Amy is a wonderful cook AND mommy. That meal she made for us was DELISH! And her Samuel just adores his momma.

Teecy said...

Yay! I love seeing these updates! I'm so glad you had a nice weekend at Dolly's. She is such a good hostess. I love being at her house. Michael and Samuel are adorable! I love those boys! And you are both such wonderful moms to look up to!!

Amy said...

Dad V - sweet comment! Good thing Mary has two beautiful girls so Michael and Samuel won't have to fight!
Joy - Wish I could have seen you and Joel. It was such a quick trip!
Dolly - you crack me up! Always the affirmation queen.
Teec - Just think, soon you'll be in VA when I come for visit!

The Jones' said...

FUN!! Looks like you girls (and sweet boys) had a blast together!! I can't get over how well Samuel is talking, can't wait to hear him say "Winnie" ;-)

Maryanna said...

Amy, now that I've stopped crying I'm going to try to express just how much I loved that video! He's so smart first of all and I'm not even kidding, being sweet....he's amazing and I'm in awe! I'm so proud to be his auntie. Yet, I found myself sad just because I wish I could be near him more often to experience those moments and for my girls to have the privelege of being around you. boy, you are such a great mom! I love him Amy!

Amy said...

Mary, that was SO SWEET and touching. BELIEVE me, WE would reap the benefits of living near your precious family. It would be a dream come true! I would love for Samuel to be around your sweet girls and you/Roscoe - your influence and wisdom would be priceless. For now I'll just make sure he knows how much his Aunt Mary loves him and you do the same w/ Belle and Dolly Jane!

Donna said...

Cute video! That Samuel is adorable! I loved the pics of him and Michael together. They'll be buddies. I"m glad you were able to go visit:)

Amy said...

Thanks Donna! I know, I'm glad Dolly doesn't live too far so we can watch our boys grow up!